Mang Canh grassland
Mang Canh grassland
Mang Canh grassland
Mang Canh grassland
Mang Canh grassland
Mang Canh grassland


Price: Updating


Time to visit a place: 60 phút

Open Time: 5:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM

Email: Chưa cập nhật email

Address: Xã Đắk Long,

Located about 10km from Mang Den town center, you can get here by motorbike or car. Mang Den grass field is located deep in the 37-household area, so to get here, you have to go into the 37-household area. It will also be an interesting experience because the 37-household area is located in a beautiful location on a hill surrounded by surrounding valleys, so there are many interesting places for you to visit before entering the fields. Grasses such as: 37 households coffee, Ofarm, Doan family coffee shop. A small note is that before reaching the grassland, there is still a fairly long and steep dirt road, so everyone drive carefully and avoid driving on bad weather days.


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/ 5

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Located about 10km from Mang Den town center, you can get here by motorbike or car. Mang Den grass field is located deep in the 37-household area, so to get here, you have to go into the 37-household area. It will also be an interesting experience because the 37-household area is located in a beautiful location on a hill surrounded by surrounding valleys, so there are many interesting places for you to visit before entering the fields. Grasses such as: 37 households coffee, Ofarm, Doan family coffee shop. A small note is that before reaching the grassland, there is still a fairly long and steep dirt road, so everyone drive carefully and avoid driving on bad weather days.
