Cloud Hunting Experience at VioLak Pass


Cloud Hunting Experience at VioLak Pass

1. What to prepare ?

Because the sun rises early here (around 5am), you should try to move as early as possible. From Mang Den center to the Violak pass cloud hunting location is about 1 hour, you can move from 4am, which is the most reasonable.


- Check the weather forecast to make sure there is no rain or fog.

- Bring a warm coat because it will be cold when going up the pass.

- Don't forget to bring your phone, camera, tripod, etc. to capture the best moments.

2. How to move?

From Mang Den to the cloud hunting location of Violak Pass is about 50 km. Travel along Highway 24 towards Quang Ngai. 

Highway 24 has been invested in construction so traveling is very convenient. Especially when traveling by motorbike, you will feel the beautiful scenery and tourist attractions on both sides of the road.

The beauty of pine trees along Highway 24


The beauty of pine trees along Highway 24


 - Go up Violak Pass and choose the place where you see the most clouds and the most beautiful to stop. On the pass, there are also cafes and breakfast shops, so you can enjoy the morning with a million dollar view. Come and experience Mang Den!


Good luck with your cloud hunting!

