Highlands Eatery   

35 đường Trường Chinh, Thị trấn Măng Đen, Huyện Kon Plông, - 0987265827

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Common Information


The restaurant is located in the center of Mang Den town, close to Mang Den Square and Mang Den Market. In this area, you can easily find various guesthouses and hotels for overnight stays. Moreover, from Tây Nguyên Quán, you can conveniently visit all the famous tourist destinations in Mang Den, such as Kon Pring Community Tourism Area, Mang Den Flower Garden, Pa Sy Waterfall, Ê Ban Farm, and Kon Plong Cloud Hunting Area.

Basic information

Open Time: 07:00

Close Time: 22:00


Price: 100,000đ

Distinctive features