Mang Do Restaurant   

58 Phạm Văn Đồng, Thị trấn Măng Đen, Huyện Kon Plông, Tỉnh Kon Tum - 0978239887

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Common Information


Located in a prime location in the heart of the city, Măng Đỏ Quán is a culinary destination that leaves a deep impression not only on the local people but also on many food enthusiasts who come to visit. With its vibrant yellow and striking black and red attire, Măng Đỏ Quán stands out amidst the lush green pine forest and vast surroundings. Here, you will have the opportunity to savor the famous dishes of the great mountainous forests in a picturesque natural setting with a touch of simplicity and rustic charm. Additionally, the restaurant is only a short distance from famous attractions such as the Măng Đen Pine Forest and Thác Pa Sỹ Tourist Area, so you can easily explore after satisfying your hunger here.

Basic information

Open Time: 07:00

Close Time: 22:00


Price: 100,000đ

Distinctive features